Tanning at home or away


Whether you’re about to go on holiday,
have a special occasion looming,
or simply want that sun kissed look all year round

Responsible Tanning is the perfect way to achieve your Golden Tan

With so much misinformation in the public domain about sunbeds and Tanning
we hope this website offers some useful advice and information .


Stand Up or Lay Down


keep yor tan all year


Wednesday 18 February 2009


According to several scientific studies there are strong indications that a sun session has far more benefits for you than just giving your skin a desirable colour. Many of these benefits of using ultra violet are usually pushed aside while the media loves to feed you with anything negative.

What Does Indoor Tanning Have To Do With Vitamin D?
Exposure to UVB from sunshine is the body’s natural way to produce vitamin D, accounting for 90 percent of vitamin D production.Human life is totally reliant on sun exposure, and the life-giving effects of ultraviolet light.

Vitamin D
Responsible Tanning increases your body's natural level of Vitamin D , which is produced by the human body when your skin skin exposed to ultra violet light. Vitamin D is proven to offer protection against inflammatory bowel disorder and can also reduce the risk of developing forms of diabetes and multiple sclerosis and many other ailments.

Improve Bone Structure
Vitamin D which is being produced during a tanning session helps the body to absorb calcium, which in turn strengthens your teeth and bones and helps to reduce the risk of osteoporosis and needless fractures

Reduce Heart Diseases
There are strong indications that responsible tanning increases the metabolism which causes a decrease in both blood pressure and the level of cholesterol. This also indicates that the heart will be able to pump more blood Which will lower the risk of strokes.

Look Good and Feel Great
Responsible Tanning Gives you a healthy looking glow that makes you look good and feel great , a sun session can be used as an anti depressive therapy as it increase the feeling of well being, It boosts serotonin levels , the body's own happy hormone. The warmth also relaxes body and mind, and therefore is an excellent tool against stress an exhaustion.

Help Lose Weight
Higher levels of serotonin in your body not only makes you feel happy , but it also suppresses your the appetite , so you will eat less in warmer weather and after a tanning session.

Reduce risk of cancers
Although over exposure to the sun increases your risk of skin cancer, Vitamin D provided by Responsible Tanning can actually help to significantly reduce the risk of other types of cancer, like breast cancer and colon cancer.

Prepare for summer
A tanned skin is the body's own protection mechanism to limit the risk of over exposure of the sun during summer and for any open air activities

Relieve pain
Responsible Tanning makes muscle more flexible and eases stiffness, it works as a pain reliever in cases of rheumatism and muscular pain.

Boost Your Immune System
Responsible Tanning stimulates the production of white blood cells that fight bacteria viruses , which causes the immune system to improve significantly.

Treat Skin Disorders
Responsible Tanning is being used globally for treatment of many types of skin disorders like psoriasis and acne